Costs Lawyer Standards Board

The Association of Law Costs Draftsmen is now advertising for the posts of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer for the new Costs Lawyer Standards Board as part of their steps towards meeting their requirements as an approved regulator.

For those interested in applying, the details can be found here: Chairman, Costs Lawyer Standards Board and here: Chief Executive Officer, Costs Lawyer Standards Board.

5 thoughts on “Costs Lawyer Standards Board”

  1. According to the advert for Chairman, it looks like all 600 members are going to be costs lawyers. Will be interesting to see what will happen to us all great unwashed, who practice as cost draftsmen outside of the Assoc.

  2. Hard to appoint someone to the ‘Standards Board’, when by promoting people for no reason, and by staying awake for a single day now (the costs lawyer course had been reduced in length by 50%), it seems they have no standards.

    Lurching from one yet badly planned re-organisation to another?

  3. How on earth can they be advertising “standards” when elevating everyone to costs lawyer like this – and that means being able to go on record remember – is utter madness!

    What do the existing costs lawyers think of having their reputation tarnished/diluted in this way?

  4. Anonymous / Anon, it is up to those draftsman who aren’t in the ALCD to fight these changes and also their intention to make costs a reserved activity. Write to the LSB and tell them what has happened.

  5. Playing Devils Advocate here… (I actually LIKE the small one-man-band)… but shouldn’t ALL costs draughtsmen actually BE regulated?

    I know of one FORMER FALCD who was fined £5,000 with £500 costs by the ALCD. To avoid paying the fine he simply left and continues to practice. Is there any point in “toothless regulation”?

    I will no doubt be censored if I name names … but try typing “alcd 5000 fine” into a popular search engine beginning with “G” or “Y”

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