Legal Costs Central upgrade

We’ve enhanced the Playtime section of Legal Costs Central with a Selected Cocktail.

My first recommendation is the Classic Cocktail. I can’t believe that I’ve only just discovered this great drink.

If you don’t have maraschino liqueur, I suppose you could substitute any cherry liqueur, or even crème de cassis at a pinch.

If you don’t have any cognac, you could use ordinary brandy, or Armagnac, or even dark rum at a stretch.

There is probably no harm using lime juice in place of lemon juice.

In place of Grand Marnier you could use Cointreau or Triple Sec.

If your drinks cabinet is looking particularly bare, you could substitute the maraschino liqueur, cognac and Grand Marnier for an equal amount of any other spirit to hand and not bother with the lemon juice.

If you don’t have a martini glass to serve this in, any glass, cup or mug is probably fine. One can be too precious about the art of cocktail mixing.

(Please remember to drink responsibly.)

Over the next few weeks/months we plan to bring you a few somewhat more serious enhancements to the Legal Costs Central. Have you set this as your Homepage yet?

2 thoughts on “Legal Costs Central upgrade”

  1. thank you

    I was as alcoholis as all other draftsmen before finding this

    Now I can look forward to sclerosis with a decent taste in my mouth!

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