Lawtel subscription rates

I recently commented on some of the benefits of membership of the Association of Costs Lawyers (ACL) which included discounted subscription fees for Lawtel. I’m now going to have to remove that benefit from the list.

When the existing annual Lawtel subscriptions of some ACL members were coming up for renewal those members had the temerity to ask Lawtel for their subscriptions to be renewed on the same discounted terms that the ACL had negotiated. This was done for no better reason that:

They were also ACL members.

They thought that Lawtel might be prepared to recognise their Lawtel loyalty by extending the same discounted rates as had been offered to various Johnny-come-latelies who had not been previous Lawtel users.

Well, Lawtel was obviously not going to put up with any of that kind of nonsense. They immediately:

Threw their toys out of the pram.

Withdrew the ACL discount for other ACL members.

Cancelled their stall at the forthcoming ACL Annual Conference.

I guess it takes years of training in sales and marketing before it’s possible to run such a smooth operation.

1 thought on “Lawtel subscription rates”

  1. Lawtel have told us today that since we haven’t unsubscribed 30 days before the end of the current subscription 31 October, our contract automatically continues for another 12 months and they will bill us for it. They refer to the Online Services Order Form attached to today’s email. If you read the THIRTEEN pages of tiny print you might find a clause about renewal of subscription. How very unhelpful of them and certainly not to be supported by new subscriptions.

    Needless to say they can go twiddle. We will be using another supplier of case law, more appreciative of our custom in future.

    Has anyone else experienced this?

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