Costs Law forum

I recently mentioned access to the Members’ Forum as being one of the benefits of membership of the Association of Costs Lawyers. This is, for obvious reasons, available only to members.

Some readers may recall the excellent open forum that there used to be on the Costs Monkey website. Unfortunately, this has been down for several years.

A reader of the Legal Costs Blog recently suggested I might set up a forum on the Blog. I did consider the possibility but was reluctant to lose what little is left of my spare time to yet more costs related activity by running such a forum.

I have now had my attention drawn to an existing legal costs forum, open to all. As I’ve only just discovered it I’m assuming that I’m not the only one. So, if you are a non-ACL member and want an open legal costs forum, there it is: Costs Law forum.

5 thoughts on “Costs Law forum”

  1. Was a shame Cost Monkey forum went down; from memory I think it was heavily spammed which contributed to its closure but I cannot see why it has not been re-instigated.

    That said, the link above is very useful in place.

  2. Cost Monkey was always informative and light hearted. I remember one or two jokers on there who always raised a smile with the cost drafting related threads on music & films etc. These sort of things have been sorely missed as they can make a boring/annoying day more bearable. Let’s hope this forum is a good substitute.

  3. Costs Monkey will be sorely missed. I love it when somebody turns something formal and staid into something rather more light-hearted

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