Jackson good news

Dominic Regan writing on Jackson implementation in the New Law Journal:

“The good news is that the government is not looking to increase the small claims limit of £1,000 in personal injury claims.  That is the end of the good news.”



7 thoughts on “Jackson good news”

  1. Jacques Hughes

    What is it about PI that is more difficult than the consumer credit claims, small builiding disputes, etc, that are routinely heard on the SCT?

  2. generals?

    a surveyor details remidial costs to buildings etc / the claimant will know what the payments made etc are on a CC claim. Therefore easier to quantify

    How does a claimant on a PI claim know how to quantify generals? Do they have access to JSB etc?

    also insurance companies “may” try and seize an advantage on a LIP PI claim – like it or not thrid party capture can be a bad thing for PI claimants

  3. PI is political hot potato. Non-PI, if you leave aside debt actions, bent metal claims etc you have small business disputes and those businesses are wary of lawyers (or rather their fees) so no one complains if the limit is increased.

  4. also look at the reallity of the situation, you increase PI to £5k generals then 98% of all litigation in this country is covered, do you think the courts want or can handle that many LIP’s?

    system would grind to a halt

  5. Defendant Solicitor

    The increase of the SCT for non PI will be a disaster for judges and the courts. Litigations in person are, for the most part, tiresome individuals and a little knowledge of the law is a very dangerous thing. I used to want to be a District Judge….not sure now.

  6. Jacques Hughes

    The special pleading for PI is unconvincing. How can it possibly be said that “generals” is more complex than a consumer credit act claim?

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