Junior law costs draftsman's salary

On a fairly regular basis I receive unsolicited CVs from costs drafting recruitment firms.

I received one the other day in respect of an individual who had completed the LPC in 2009. In December 2009 they had started work for a costs drafting firm, giving them, by my calculations, 17-18 months experience. Apparently the average size bill they work with is £30k-£50k. They didn’t appear to be a member of the Association of Costs Lawyers.

For salary/expectations the figure given was £40,000+.

Perhaps the good times for those who work in costs law are not about to end any time soon.

12 thoughts on “Junior law costs draftsman's salary”

  1. Money, money, money.

    We all know we pretend costs is a niche area and takes considerable knowledge so we can justify such salaries.

  2. Band 1 Grade A Cost Draftsman

    We had a great one last month:

    6 months costs experience
    Previous experience working in car sales

    Salary expected: £20,000.00 – £25,000.00

  3. Band 1, why is that a great one? do you mean good or bad?
    We have just had someone in with 6 months cost experience who is easily worth that with what they bring and crucially can earn several times that amount in fees, what do you think that sort of individual is worth?

  4. I routinely get such CV’s, and go back to the Agents concerned with strongly worded complaints about how they are marketing these people whom, frankly, are untrained and a potential liability if they are sold otherwise

    As a profession, we have a duty to all do likewise. Perhaps if we did, this profession would be rather less tarnished than it currently stands

  5. ah, Mr Rebel rears his head again. No doubt he is offended and shocked at the paltry salaries us northerners have to struggle by on, and chuckles from his lofty tower in The Smoke whilst stroking his bulging wallet

    Just as well the real work in costs is left to us up here

  6. A perusal of the ACL Journal will confirm that salaries for experienced costs lawyers in the North are on a par with their Sybaritic and louche Southern counterparts.

    Patriotism is unfashionable these days but I am proud to be English and I have nothing against Northerners. Quite the contrary.

    I have always fancied Liz McDonald in Corrie.

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