Christmas is obviously a time for sherry. And I’m not talking about the one bottle of Harveys Bristol Cream that your aunt brings out of the cupboard once a year, pours one glass from and replaces until the next year. (Sherry should be drunk within a few weeks of opening the bottle.)
No, proper sherry is one life’s great pleasures and apparently the “hipster’s tipple of choice” (not that this is any great recommendation on its own).
My top tip for sherry lovers is Sainsburys’ own brand stuff. This is consistently good quality across all types of sherry and just as good as more expensive brands such a Tio Pepe. I particularly recommend a chilled glass of their Pale Dry Fino or Dry Manzanilla. Or, a glass of Medium Dry Amontillado served at room temperature; just the thing to give a warm glow to the heart. All absolute steals at £5.50 a bottle.