Sexiest costs lawyers

The Legal Cheek website has run an article on the 25 sexiest solicitors in the City. Clearly something similar should be done for those working in costs law. One only has to walk down the corridors of the Senior Courts Costs Office on a typical day to see where all the beautiful lawyers end up.

4 thoughts on “Sexiest costs lawyers”

  1. imtoosexyforcosts

    Simon, its about time you put a subject matter up that is wholly relevant to me. I am the sexiest Costs Draftsmen in the u.k, bar none, no I don’t have a “fashion beard” , I am not riddled with pointless and meaningless tattoo’s strategically positioned to be seen by all, no I don’t have a comb over or a quiff that is so big that I need hairspray in the morning and no Simon unfortunately I don’t have a six pack, so why am I sexy? 1) Because I am an oracle of knowledge and 2) because one of the lawyers in that list told me so 😉

  2. I knew this cute draftswoman once
    Massive big bills….
    lovely long narratives….
    cute tight figures….
    just a shame her performance on Oral Hearings was such a let down….

    (apologies to all the draftsmen out there now reaching for their heart pills…..)

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