Trust the experts

It was only recently that the press was reporting on David Beckham’s library burning down.  He was described as being absolutely distraught. Apparently both books were destroyed and he hadn’t even finished colouring one of them in.

Now matters have reached the point where Beckham’s intellectual strengths have grown to such heights that it is being reported across the press, including the broadsheets and BBC, as actual “news” which way Beckham intends to vote in the EU Referendum.

There has already been enough bitter debate in the EU Referendum about the extent to which the advice of various “experts” should be trusted on the likely consequences of Leaving/Remaining, but can we at least agree that the views of “celebrities” are not relevant and are not “news”?

This follows on from Noel Edmunds advising the public they can cure cancer by wrapping tin foil around their heads (or something similarly scientific).

What next, the Chuckle Brothers making recommendations about reform of the civil justice system?  Having said that, they are probably no more likely to make a dog’s dinner of that than some others one could think of.

Rather more serious analysis comes from Andrew Hogan, in an article originally published in Litigation Funding magazine suggesting:

“it does not seem fanciful to suggest that if the country votes to leave the European Union, the Ministry’s efforts for the next 20 years will be spent uncoupling the country’s laws from the European Union and all interest in fixed costs proposals and similar schemes, will just fall of the political agenda.  It follows in turn that the financial interests of litigation lawyers will be served by voting for Brexit, the costs tail wagging the constitutional dog.”

Fortunately, litigation lawyers are far too public spirited to consider voting based on such narrow possible self-interest.

This blog is going to steer clear of making any predictions about how readers might benefit from Leaving/Remaining or from making any recommendations on how to vote.  However, with the polls suggesting the vote is neck-and-neck, I will suggest this may come down to the weather on the day.  As a European official was quoted in The Telegraph:

“A colleague of Mr Juncker fears that, ‘come hell, wind or high water’ the ‘Out’ side will turn out to vote: ‘They will be queuing round the block like at the end of apartheid South Africa.’”

With most polling suggesting Brexit supporters are more motivated to vote, bad weather on polling day may tip the balance in their favour.

Watch what the weather forecasters predict.  At least they always get it right.

3 thoughts on “Trust the experts”

  1. I’m voting leave because I don’t believe the Experts. Meanwhile, my kitchen pipes have burst and I’m going to ask my pub landlord to fix them….

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