Law Costs Firm of the Year – Gibbs Wyatt Stone

I am delighted to announce that Gibbs Wyatt Stone has won the prestigious ‘Law Costs Firm of the Year’ award.

I have to confess that this did not come as a complete surprise.  Readers may recall we had previously been awarded ‘Most Outstanding Law Firm of 2016, the UK’ by Wealth & Finance INTL magazine.  They recently chased this up to see if we wanted to take out one of their expensive packages to promote the fact we had won this award. I responded:

“Dear Mandeep,

I write further to your email below and have discussed this with my fellow partners.

We operate in a very niche area of law (law costs drafting) and feel that ‘Most Outstanding Law Firm of 2016, the UK’ is rather too general an award to have any marketing potential from our perspective.

I do not know whether Wealth & Finance INTL has a specific award for the category of ‘Law Costs Firm of the Year’.  If such a category did exist, given our success in being awarded ‘Most Outstanding Law Firm’, I would hope your awards panel might look favourably on us being considered for the same.

If we did happen to be successful in such a category, it is likely that my fellow partners would look very favourably on taking one of your packages to publicise our success.

Kind regards,

Simon Gibbs”

All credit to the efficiency of their awards panel because within a little over one hour I received this response:

“Hi Simon thanks for your email.

I have spoken to my team about this request, and I am pleased to inform you that this would be an option, our research team would be delighted to award you the title of Most Outstanding Law Firm of 2016 – Law Costs Firm of the Year’.

Do let me know you [sic] thoughts on this and if you have any queries.

Kind regards

Mandeep Singh”

I must admit to being rather overwhelmed by all this.  I take no personal credit for this success but believe it is a reflection of the hard-work, talent and sheer determination of my fellow partners and colleagues at Gibbs Wyatt Stone.

If anyone else fancies a similar award, you know where to go.

2 thoughts on “Law Costs Firm of the Year – Gibbs Wyatt Stone”

  1. It may just be a coincidence but on Wednesday this week I was notified that my firm had…

    “been selected as the best dispute resolution firm in the UK”.


    “As the winner from the UK, you have joined a list of other prestigious firms across the world.”

    Just when I thought things couldn’t get any better I was delighted to see that we could “showcase our expertise” for the reduced cost of £3,299.

    Naturally, my post Brexit fears have been substantially alleviated and I am beginning to think we might just be alright.

  2. The same day I posted this I received another email from Mandeep Singh informing me: “Following months of research and judging by our in-house research team, we’re delighted to announce that Gibbs Wyatt Stone has been named a winner in Wealth & Finance International’s 2016 European Corporate Top 100.” They clearly send out so much of this rubbish that he had no memory of our previous email exchange just a few days earlier.

    You couldn’t make it up. (Unless it is one of their new awards of course.)

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