Coping with coronavirus

Ancient Chinese curse: “May you live in interesting times”

With much of the economy in total shutdown, coronavirus has had very limited disruption on my typical working day.  When we first set up 14 years ago, it was based on remote working for all fee earners and still is.  Other than the fact I will not be attending any in-person hearings for the foreseeable future, my day-to-day work continues virtually uninterrupted.

I have therefore had to spend recent days worrying about first-world, middle-class, pandemic problems:

  1. Being informed by our cleaning lady, who has a compromised immune system, that she is now selfishly self-isolating at home and we will have to do our own dusting for the next few weeks. Noooooooooo!
  2. Discovering that streaming services are considering stopping all HD streaming and limiting to SD quality as the coronavirus crisis puts unprecedented load on interweb. Noooooooooo!
  3. Worrying as to whether the manufacturers of Fever Tree premium tonic water are key workers and, if not, how long existing UK supplies are going to last. Noooooooooo!
  4. Being told by Ocado that you are now limited to two boxes of quails eggs in any one order. Noooooooooo!

I don’t have enough time left over to worry about getting sick.

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